Global Risks Report 2025, 20th Edition

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published the Global Risks Report 2025, 20th Edition in January, an analysis of the major global risks and their impact on various sectors, including transport and logistics. You can download it through this link.

We particularly recommend reviewing the initial chapters, which highlight key risks for the supply chain, such as disinformation, cyberattacks, geopolitical crises, and the impacts of climate change. Additionally, the report’s graphics provide a clear and direct overview of the connections between these factors and their effects on trade and logistics. All of this aligns closely with the constellation of risks that a Responsible Shipper must consider to effectively manage its supply chain.

Below, we have prepared the most relevant points within the following areas:

  • KEY FINDINGS: Impact of climate change, Geoeconomic confrontation, Digitalization and disinformation, Supply chain as a central risk assessment factor, The world in 2025 and 2027.
  • SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS: Risk map, Risk ranking by severity, Geopolitical recession.
  • GEOPOLITICS IMPACT: Tensions in the Middle East and the potential Taiwan conflict.
  • TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY: Strengthening security systems, Special focus on training.
  • MITIGATION AND IMPROVED OUTLOOK: Global collaboration, Ethical supply chains, Focus on resilience.

Transprime – SPANISH SHIPPERS’ COUNCIL joins the Renewable Fuels Platform

At Transprime – SPANISH SHIPPERS’ COUNCIL, we believe in the importance of sustainable and responsible transport, capable of reducing its environmental impact without compromising the competitiveness and efficiency of the supply chain.

That is why, today, February 3, 2025, we have joined the Renewable Fuels Platform, an initiative that promotes the use of renewable liquid fuels with low or zero CO₂ emissions, which are essential for the energy transition in the logistics sector.

Why is this adhesion important?

  • Renewable fuels enable an immediate reduction in emissions, without the need to replace existing fleets or infrastructure.
  • They are a key solution for heavy freight transport, where electrification still faces technological and economic challenges.
  • They enhance energy security and promote the circular economy, supporting industrial development and reducing dependence on traditional fossil sources.

Transprime – SPANISH SHIPPERS’ COUNCIL’s commitment to responsible logistics

As an association, we promote initiatives that contribute to the sustainability and transformation of the sector. The Responsible Shipper Certificate (CCR) is a clear example, as it drives the reduction of environmental impact in the supply chain, aligning with regulations such as CS3D.

Another step towards more sustainable, efficient, and resilient transport. We continue working to build a logistics sector aligned with decarbonization and sustainability goals.

More information about the Platform here:

Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2025

WEFORUM has published in January 2025, the Global Cybersecurity Outlook for 2025 of which we have made an executive summary from the shippers’ perspective in terms of how they are affected by the risks estimated from the Davos Economic Forum. The logistics implications that emerge from the report are very relevant and have a direct operational impact, so it is necessary that all shippers, under the scope of becoming  Certified Shippers of Trust (SOT) to become resilient by activating the alerts and actions  to be properly updated.

PUNTOS CLAVE (páginas 5-9)

El informe señala que las cadenas de suministro y los sectores logísticos están cada vez más expuestos a ciberataques debido a su alta interconectividad y dependencia tecnológica. La digitalización de procesos, junto con la adopción de tecnologías emergentes como la inteligencia artificial, genera vulnerabilidades significativas.

  • Este video resume de manera muy gráfica los temas importantes que implican los aspectos logísticos relevantes y su compleja.
  • Tensiones geopolíticas y ciberseguridad: Los conflictos internacionales están incrementando los riesgos de ciberataques a infraestructuras críticas, incluidas las logísticas.
  • Creciente amenaza del ransomware (códigos maliciosos): Es la principal preocupación para las empresas globales, con un impacto significativo en la cadena de suministro y los servicios.
  • Ciber-Resiliencia por zonas geográficas: Podréis observar en el gráfico C de la página 5 en la que Europa se encuentra en una posición intermedia sin estar en ninguna zona de excelencia.


  1. Cadenas de suministro interconectadas: La alta dependencia de sistemas digitales y la falta de preparación en pequeñas empresas aumentan la vulnerabilidad de toda la red logística. Las PYMEs son un eslabón débil que los atacantes pueden aprovechar para penetrar en grandes
  2. Impacto del ransomware en la logística: Los ataques podrían paralizar operaciones críticas, desde transporte marítimo hasta distribución terrestre, lo que afectaría la continuidad operativa y aumentaría los costes de recuperación.
  1. Regulaciones en evolución: Es importante que las empresas y los procesos logísticos cumplan con las normativas crecientes de ciberseguridad que exigen resiliencia y protocolos más estrictos para proteger la información sensible.


  • Inteligencia Artificial (IA): Aunque es una herramienta clave para optimizar operaciones logísticas, también está siendo utilizada por atacantes para realizar ciberataques más rápidos y precisos. Alerta con este tema.
  • Infraestructuras críticas: El informe resalta la necesidad de reforzar la seguridad en hubs logísticos y plataformas de transporte, que se encuentran entre los principales objetivos de ataques
  • Colaboración global: Se subraya la importancia de alianzas entre actores logísticos y gobiernos para mitigar riesgos cibernéticos a nivel
  • Geopolítica y ciberseguridad: Es importante resaltar el gráfico 10 de la página 26 dónde remarca que el 59% de las tensiones geopolíticas tienen un impacto directo en la ciberseguridad, teniendo un impacto en las pólizas de seguros (costes) y también en la manera de diseñar las operaciones logísticas (+ costes).


  1. Ransomware: Lidera la lista de amenazas con un impacto inmediato en las operaciones logísticas.
  2. Ataques a infraestructuras críticas: Considerados entre los riesgos más disruptivos a medio plazo.
  3. Ciberfraudes habilitados por IA: Crecen como una amenaza emergente en los procesos de logística y comercio electrónico.
  4. Checklist de verificación para reportar problemas de seguridad: El gráfico 15 de la página 33 puede ser utilizado como guía en las empresas logísticas para verificar el grado de reacción de las personas a los riesgos logísticos y afianzar las operaciones logísticas seguras.


  • Refuerzo de la resiliencia cibernética: Priorizar inversiones en tecnologías de protección de datos y capacitación del personal en ciberseguridad. La formación es un elemento clave para dar elasticidad a la logística digital.
  • Pruebas de estrés en la cadena de suministro: Identificar vulnerabilidades en los procesos logísticos mediante simulaciones de ataques cibernéticos. ¿Como nos comunicamos con nuestros proveedores logísticos? Con esta simple pregunta, tenemos todo un
  • abanico de opciones para revisar operaciones y actuar de manera
  • Colaboración público-privada: Crear redes de intercambio de información para responder rápidamente a incidentes de
  • Adopción de la IA para la defensa: Aprovechar la inteligencia artificial no solo para la automatización logística, sino también para detectar y mitigar amenazas emergentes. Reiteramos que la Inteligencia Artificial es una nueva herramienta de doble filo, puede ser útil pero también puede agredir al proceso logístico.

Este informe es esencial para comprender cómo los riesgos cibernéticos están transformando el panorama logístico y las estrategias necesarias para garantizar operaciones seguras y resilientes.

Shipper of Trust, Twice Awarded in 2024

These recognitions are a great reward for an associative project born from a collective effort.

The Certificate Shipper of Trust (CCR) has received the 2024 CEL Award for the best sustainable logistics project this December, just a few days ago. It also received the 10 Award for Excellence in Logistics and Transport in June, granted by Cadena de Suministro. The CCR certification, based on the global standard “IRU-GSA-ITF Charter” for improving driver conditions at loading & unloading points (jointly created by transporters, shippers, and driver unions), aligns with the new European CS3D Directive, which legitimizes the pillars of the new business outlook on the logistics of the future: ethical, resilient, and sustainable.

These recognitions are a great reward for an associative project born from a cohesive collective effort through many collaborators, both internal and external to Transprime Spanish Shippers’ Council (SSC), to whom we deeply appreciate their sincere cooperation and their willingness to contribute, contribute, and contribute. They have had the honest intention to create and promote a new logistical frequency that stimulates the best version of shipper companies. Through the voluntary accreditation of ethical and excellent logistical behavior, they align with the intention to drive logistics towards a resilient scenario where key players and shippers are designed to be future-proof.

“The Driver First”, thank you, Javier Miranda, for creating this great slogan that has united us all in the same mission. Thanks to the jury members for recognizing the CCR project. Thanks to Alberto Blanco and Carlos Díaz for your tireless energy and expertise. Thanks to our “early adopters” and founders of the certification: Carburos Metálicos and Freixenet, who have allowed their logistical models to serve as benchmarks for shared logistical improvement. Thanks to Ramón Valdivia for the unconditional support and legitimacy of this initiative, which is now also creating the Responsible Transporter Certification (CTR).

Everything fits, everything flows, and everything advances with the desire to exist kindly, in connection and harmony with all agents of the logistics ecosystem, in a new way of understanding the world: CCR voluntary accreditation as a vehicle for logistical understanding. This endearing situation reminds me of my role models and transports me to my happy arcadia, to a way of acting similar to that of the inhabitants of Asterix’s Gallic village. They possess a magic potion that gives them two powers: the first and most visible is their evident physical strength; the second, less visible (but more important), is the resilience and assertiveness to harmoniously and empathetically connect with the essence of the people, elements, and things around them.

In this way, intuitively and always accurately, they choose the best path to be and exist, future-proof, in accordance with their common sense, which transforms their values into universal standards of positive connection.

Roundtable on the Future of Transport and Logistics at Logistics & Automation Madrid

From Transprime – SPANISH SHIPPERS’ COUNCIL, we are pleased to announce our participation in Logistics & Automation Madrid, on November 28th at 12:00 PM, where we will organize a roundtable titled: “Digital, Green, and Resilient Transport.”

About the event:

We will address key milestones in current logistics, which are also fundamental for building the supply chains of the future. Digitalization, beyond its traditional benefits such as cost savings and efficiency, is the engine that generates trust, transparency, and collaboration among supply chain actors, essential for complying with the new European directives CS3D and CSRD.

Our speakers:

We have a distinguished group of professionals who will share their knowledge in this roundtable:

  • Lola Hurtado Tato, keynote speaker and Marketing Director at FIELDEAS, who will also present the conclusions of the eCMR study.
  • Ramon Garcia Garcia, General Director of the Spanish Logistics Center (CEL), will moderate the debate.
  • Alberto Blanco García, Logistics Project Manager at Carreras Grupo Logístico.
  • Pere Joan Masso, Supply Chain Director at Natac (BME: NAT).
  • Rodrigo Martin Saiz, Transport and Logistics Manager at FIELDEAS.

We continue to advocate for good logistics practices carried out by shipping companies to certify their ethical and responsible behavior in accordance with the new European regulations (CS3D) through the Shipper of trust certificate (CCR). Where “the driver is at the forefront and the cargo is at the center”.

Don’t miss it! A unique opportunity to explore how to transform transport and logistics with a digital, sustainable, and resilient vision.

See you at Logistics & Automation Madrid!

Logistics agora

On Friday, November 8th, TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers’ Council held a logistics agora with our associates, and we had the pleasure of gathering at NECTION Llers Transports Padrosa. This is a truck parking facility where ethics, safety, and the well-being of drivers are the main focus.

We were joined by the driving force behind this project, Pere Padrosa, President of Transportes Padrosa, who shared his vision with us and personally guided us through the facilities.

This logistics forum was chaired by TRANSPRIME’s Secretary General, Jordi Espin, who introduced us to our association’s new flagship project: the Shipper of Trust Certificate, whose slogan is “the driver in the front, the cargo at the center.”

We also celebrated the incorporation of our new Director of Communications, Amat Guiteras, along with our associates, sharing a special welcoming moment.

We had the pleasure of hosting prominent professionals from the sector, who presented their respective projects. Among them:

  • Luis Sánchez from Chep, who explained the AIR SHARED project and the need to develop more efficient and sustainable models in supply chains.
  • Oscar Sánchez, General Director, and Lola Hurtado, Director of Marketing and Communications at FIELDEAS, who shared their analysis on digitalization and the level of eCMR implementation in Spain.
  • Guillermo Oliva, who highlighted the importance of worker training and the value of essential characteristics such as knowledge, skills, and attitude.

Once again, we continue to cooperate and share ideas to promote ethical and responsible logistics.

Transport as a commodity

Spanish Television interview where it is discussed that the maritime transport service is not oriented to the customers’ voice anymore. Industries are stopping manufacturing production lines because of the maritime transport logistics inefficiency.

TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers’ Council, a referred speaker

TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers’ Council, a referred speaker within the general and specialized media about the current situation of the maritime transport, focus point of present world maritime trade. Also for reference regarding the rail transport situation in Spain and also on what should be the path to be followed for a pandemic rescue mode.










TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers’ Council is a parter for BNEW in its second edition from 5th to 8th October

TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers’ Council is again a parter with the Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW) that will hold its second edition from October 5 to 8, 2021 in Barcelona. The hybrid B2B event – 100% professional – created by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona will focus this edition on the opportunities of the new economy. With an expanded program, doubling the topics of the first edition, new areas of a more cross-cutting nature are added to the sectors of logistics, real estate, digital industry, ecommerce and economic zones: science, talent, mobility and sustainability. In this way, BNEW will continue to bet on logistics as one of the key sectors for the development of the 4.0 economy and will become a meeting point in which to tackle the transformation of the sector.

The hybrid format will allow the attendance of professionals from anywhere in the world through an online platform, which also boosts virtual networking among participants through an artificial intelligence tool. In addition, the BVillage space will allow companies to showcase their products on the platform and offer the possibility for attendees to contact them.

Webinar: SUEZ CANAL: what else?

This event organized by TRANSPRIME Spanish Shippers’ Council & The Lawyers’s House, next April 9 @ 12:00, will check on the current status, short and mid term consequences this crisis will mean to shippers.

Please register at the following link:

Agenda available here: