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SIDE EVENT – IOT Solutions World Congress 2018

TRANSPRIME – European Shippers’ Council Logistics Innovation & Data Sharing This event will hold the General Assembly of the Spanish Shippers’ Council to discuss the current activities being developed as well as an open workshop based on the LEARN project. Download the complete information.  


TRANSPORT FOR FUTURE EUROPEAN COMMISSION MOBILITY PACKAGE Barcelona 17th May 2018 Barcelona Conference Room · World Trade Center Port de Barcelona This seminar will enable you to get ready for the future transport legislation and adapt the policy making in your company. It will cover social dimension, road charges, driving and resting times, position of […]


TRANSPRIME organizes a seminar to assess the implementation of European Directive 2014/47 which corresponds to Spanish regulation RD563/17 on March 21st in Barcelona. This session will be driven under the particular vision of the shipper and will regard the particular implication on each stakeholder involved in the supply chain. Click this link for registration: https://goo.gl/forms/xkY7CqB0sPPfrU8H2 […]

November 23rd 2017. TRANSPRIME organizes a seminar on eCMR with PIONIRA

Know the e-CMR, its operation and its advantages The electronic CMR already has legal validity and allows greater levels of security in the documentation while significantly reducing costs. Get to know Pionira’s digital solution, which has been tested and verified by transport authorities in Belgium and other countries. Usable immediately, through an accessible “app” and […]

October. Shippers’ role led by TRANSPRIME in the reference seminar under the following title “Assessment of Transport Suppliers”

WTRANSNET in cooperation with Cadena de Suministro organized the reference seminar to debate around the assessment of transport suppliers where TRANSPRIME was invited as to lead the shippers’ role. Héctor Cordero participated to insert the shippers’ view with the conclusion that it is needed that assessment procedures are comparable and similar in order to avoid […]

November 29th 2016. ESC Maritime Day 3rd edition takes place in Barcelona, organized together with TRANSPRIME

The ESC Maritime Day is set to be the annual reference marine logistics event for shippers in Europe. This third edition which takes place in Barcelona, following the previous sessions in Brussels (2014) and Antwerp (2015), contains the synthesis and conclusions extracted from previous years to openly discuss the maritime world with all stakeholders from […]