Know the e-CMR, its operation and its advantages
The electronic…

November 23rd 2017. TRANSPRIME organizes a seminar on eCMR with PIONIRA
09/11/2017/by clemente
OCTOBER 2017. TRANSPRIME general assembly takes place in VIIA Distriport at Le Boulou
Third term general assembly took place at VIIA Distriport in…
09/11/2017/by clemente
October. Shippers’ role led by TRANSPRIME in the reference seminar under the following title “Assessment of Transport Suppliers”
WTRANSNET in cooperation with Cadena de Suministro organized…
12/10/2017/by clemente
September 2017.Drewry alerts of higher freight costs due to carrier concentration options
Following rapid consolidation among container shipping lines,…
12/10/2017/by clemente
November 29th 2016. ESC Maritime Day 3rd edition takes place in Barcelona, organized together with TRANSPRIME
The ESC Maritime Day is set to be the annual reference marine…
12/10/2017/by clemente