A major milestone for sustainable logistics!

Yesterday, Tuesday, December 10, 2024, we proudly received the CEL Award for Sustainable Logistics in Madrid, recognizing the Responsible Shipper Certificate (CCR) developed by Transprime – SPANISH SHIPPERS’ COUNCIL. This certificate promotes best practices in logistics based on ethics, resilience, and responsibility, aligned with the new European CS3D regulations.

Our heartfelt thanks to the Centro Español de Logística (CEL) for their rigor and prestige, and congratulations to the other winners and participants for their outstanding projects.

Special mentions to:

  •  Jordi Espin Vallbona, Secretary General of Transprime, who conceived the CCR and celebrated this achievement with us despite being unable to attend.
  •  Carlos Diaz Villa, Vice President of Transprime, who accepted the award and delivered an inspiring message on behalf of us all.
  •  The entire team that made this possible.

This award is not a personal achievement but a push for the logistics sector toward a more ethical and sustainable future.

We invite companies to obtain the Responsible Shipper Certificate (CCR) and join this movement, benefiting the entire supply chain.

Let’s collaborate to build a better sector!