Global Risks Report 2025, 20th Edition

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published the Global Risks Report 2025, 20th Edition in January, an analysis of the major global risks and their impact on various sectors, including transport and logistics. You can download it through this link.

We particularly recommend reviewing the initial chapters, which highlight key risks for the supply chain, such as disinformation, cyberattacks, geopolitical crises, and the impacts of climate change. Additionally, the report’s graphics provide a clear and direct overview of the connections between these factors and their effects on trade and logistics. All of this aligns closely with the constellation of risks that a Responsible Shipper must consider to effectively manage its supply chain.

Below, we have prepared the most relevant points within the following areas:

  • KEY FINDINGS: Impact of climate change, Geoeconomic confrontation, Digitalization and disinformation, Supply chain as a central risk assessment factor, The world in 2025 and 2027.
  • SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS: Risk map, Risk ranking by severity, Geopolitical recession.
  • GEOPOLITICS IMPACT: Tensions in the Middle East and the potential Taiwan conflict.
  • TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERSECURITY: Strengthening security systems, Special focus on training.
  • MITIGATION AND IMPROVED OUTLOOK: Global collaboration, Ethical supply chains, Focus on resilience.